If you have an email account, it's likely that it was free of charge. A particular web company that offers email accounts free is MSN, or maybe you recognize the term, hotmail. Millions of us took advantage of hotmail when we realized that it would cost us virtually nothing. This email provider offers you quite a bit of space and consistent quality service. Other providers such as Yahoo and Google also offer email accounts free. Gmail seems to be all the rage now.
A great advantage that email has brought us is the freedom from expense. Think of how much you spend on a long distance phone call. You may talk for hours on end. Now, if you put all of your thoughts into an email, you can send it for free. There are even audio and visual aids these days. You can have a phone-like connection through the Internet for no charge. Talk all you like at any hour. It doesn't cost anything. Since we do have the ability to attain email accounts free, many of us are finding those new ways to save money.
If you are a complete layman with computers and the technology they offer, I suggest that you do some web browsing before purchasing anything. While you can achieve email accounts free, other services are free of charge as well. For example, a browser or two, probably come standard with your computer software. You will consistently see commercials advertising for browsers they swear are ideal, and you only pay so much a month. This is nonsense when you probably already have one for free. Companies offering email accounts often pitch certain advantages to their services. You will want to check and see if that perk is already standard on the free one you use. Chances are it is. In this wonderful world of technology, you no longer have to resort to a paper and pencil to communicate with a letter. Try a free email account, and you will be amazed at the time and money you save.
Hi Steven, I can see the advantages of using a free email service like this... thanks for the post, Scott OBrien